Sunday, January 24, 2010

Road Trip?!

Hey everyone!

So Eric really wants to meet the family soon so we've been planning on when this is going to happen. I hang out with his family like once a week so he has to meet everyone for at least a few days! We've decided it will either be valentines day weekend since Monday is a holiday and he'd get work off or March 17th since its my spring break! The only problem with February is I work Friday, Saturday and Monday.. So I can either try switching people so I get the same amount of hours or go in March! The only probleme with spring break is he can't take work off. He may be able to take the Friday off so we could do Friday, Saturday, Sunday. But I am really excited about this trip! I know everyone will like him a lot hes such a good guy he'd fit in with the fam really well. The more I get to know him the more I think him and my dad would get along perfectly!

1. They both watch pretty much every basketball and football game on tv and both get super into it
2. They both have a similar sense of humor
3. Both are active and like playing sports ( however my dad plays more than him and is more active haha go dad!)
4. Eric is a hunter like he LOVES it and my dad likes going but isn't in love with it like Papa, but they'd have fun
5. Plus Eric is just smart and knows how to carry on a conversation! Which we all know my daddy needs sometimes :)

Anyway I'm sure there are more things but I don't want to keep the list going. I made Eric dinner tonight! And it actually went well, I was a little nervous. I am sort of what you would call... a kitchen idiot! Im getting better... but I have a loooooooooong way to go. I decided to make navajo tacos and he loved them. He had never had them before. Unfortunatley my tacos didn't turn out anywhere close to my dads but i'm getting there. We just get along really well. Today he said, "Um are we a weird couple? We never argue about anything!" It is so true I'm not sure its just a really different relationship with him. I feel like I couldn't ever fight about anything with him, there is nothing important enough to fight over! Its definitely a nice change.

Oh on a different note I got called as Service Commitee Co-Chair in my ward! We had our first meeting today. I am really excited about it. I haven't really had an important calling like this before besides in Young Womens. It fits me perfectly I've been wanting to get more involved in service.

I also found out that my sister is going to come to Utah and visit me for a few days! I couldn't be happier we're going to have a girls weekend and have a sleepover at my place! Its going to be so fun. Shes coming on her birthday in the Evening which is February 26th! She is going to be 12.. Wow I can't believe how old she is. Shes going to be in young womens! I sound like such a dork but it seems like yesterday she was born and I was so excited to finally have my little sister!!! One of the happiest days of my life by far :)

Thats all she wrote.


Bailey Dickson said...

Can't wait for you guys to are so cute Jade. We can all tell you are VERY twitterpated!!! : ) PS- you need some more pics of you with a black eye isn't the best look!! LOL Congrats- you made dinner for him, how cute!!!
Love, Mommy

Jade Hill said...

Haha maybe just a little bit!! I know I will get more pics up. We're going to a Jazz game tomorrow so I'll get some good ones. That pic is horrible of me he looks okay but not the best pic of him either! Haha thanks wasn't the hardest dinner but I did it!! I love you too! ps you're on baileys account?