Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Migrating Back to B-Town

I am still waiting to hear back from the DATC to see if I got into their LPN program. I've been looking for a new medical job in the salt lake and farmington area (and everything in between) and haven't had much luck yet. I decided once school is out April 29th that I will be moving back up to Bountiful to live with my best friend Kiersten and her husband. Her grandparents just left on a mission and they are living in their huge mansion! It will be fun living with her, we'll get to go to the gym together! Man I can't wait to do Body Combat again.. it has been forever.

Im moving for a few different reasons:

1. I plan on applying to Weber State Universities Nursing program till I get in (or DATC which is connected with them and getting my LPN then transferring to WSU)
2. Eric works in SLC and is moving back home to centerville to save money. Since he has a good job in salt lake and if things continue progressing with us that will probably be the area we stay in.
3. If I don't get into WSU or DATC for Fall 2010 im going to go to Salt Lake Community College and work on getting generals done for a Bachelors in Science of Nursing. I love SLCC its easier, and cheaper! I've talked to a lot of Nurse Practitioners and they have all told me to get my Bachelors. IHC won't even higher RN's if they don't have a bachelors. The way the economy is going it would be a much safer bet.

 I absolutely love my job at the urgent care right now (im also getting really good at drawing blood!) It will be hard to leave so hopefully I find a job just as good if not better! Its also going to be hard to leave Provo. I have really loved Provo and have made some amazing life-long friends here! I definitely know that Provo was the right move for me I wish I had done it sooner. Live and Learn...! Or maybe just listen to your parents? Bahaha. I seriously have the greatest parents in the whole wide world! I don't know how I got so lucky. I just wish I had been smart enough to listen to what they had to say and wish I wouldn't have been such a bratty teenager. Im not sure what it is about being young... why do we have to figure things out the hard way? I don't think I'll ever know that answer. All I know is Im grateful for the wonderful example they have been in my life, and im crossing my fingers that my little sister will be smarter than I was listen to them and me! Im sure she will, she is such a good girl and such a sweetheart :)

Thats all she wrote.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

California Vaca

Eric and I just got home from cali this week! We had so much fun. I flew in Wednesday the 17th and hung out with my family and layed out by the pool with Casey, Candy and the Kids. Lucy adores the water Wednesday she played in it so much she strained her muscles and when I dried her off she yelped! Jack Russells don't know when to stop. Even at her old age of 10! She just turns into a puppy again when there is water around. It was so funny my mom kept looking at all of us outside through Nana and Papas window, I just started cracking up and then said, "Mom what are you doing?! You're being a creeper!" She couldn't stop laughing. It is her new favorite word now. (I first heard that word back in august from my roommates, oh Utah words.)

Thursday I layed out by the pool again and swam and played with my dogs. Then my mom came home and we got ready and drove to the airport to pick up my hunka-hunka-burning priesthood! (Thats what my bishop calls good boys that us girls should date haha) We had a fun little convo in the car with my mom, Eric really liked my mom and thought she was hilarious! But lets be honest, who doesn't?? We then went back to the house and ate dinner and watched basketball, yuck! But I've learned that in March thats what you watch... I'm getting used to it. We played Mario Kart on the Wii with everyone after :)

Friday Eric and I woke up early and drove my mom to work so that we could have a car. Then we got ready and went to the beach. The whole trip we had incredible weather! The beach was perfect not too hot and it had a nice breeze. (By friday I finally had shed my utah white winter coat and transformed into a tan cali girl like my sister!) Except Eric turns black in the sun so he kinda stole my thunder. I forgot how much I love being tan, and how much I love the sun/beach. The rest of my family joined us at Doheny after work. Eric, me and Bay played volleyball and paddle ball in the sand. Then layed out a little more. Eric and Bay started getting bored of sun worshipping and wanted to bury me in the sand. I declined and offered up bailey instead. Which she graciously accepted! Eric buried her in pretty deep too! She was a sand crab after.

Later that night we went to Brian Hadley's wedding. I was excited since I hadn't seen his now wife, for a while. I had gone to Israel with her when I went with Nana and Papa. They are super cute together.The wedding was seriously to die for it was gorgeous! Mary Ann looked stunning and it was one of the nicest most elegant weddings i've been to in a while. It was in the Santa Ana area and Eric served his mission there and pointed out things on our way there. It took place at a hotel and the whole room overlooked the ocean.

Saturday my family, eric and I decided to go to Six Flags Magic Mountain! The last time I had been was with the dicksons like 5 years ago. It is absolutely my favorite theme park too! We all had a blast. Everyone forced me to go on superman and I haven't been that terrified on something in a very long time. After it was over though I felt like a baby it really hadn't been that bad! My favorites were definitely X2, Riddler and Batman. Dejavu... was all right it was only our second roller coaster and it was pretty freaky!! Goliath was pretty freaky too it had a huge drop! Before a few of them had begun we all wondered what the heck we were doing on these rides! I was so proud of my Mom she went on everything so did my sister! I don't know of many moms who will do those extreme roller coasters. It was a very hot day that day we all were dying. By the end of the day we were all pooped, we ordered pizza from a place called numero uno and it was delicious! Then all fell asleep on the car ride home.

Sunday we woke up and got ready for church. Bailey was getting honored for going into the young womens in sacrament! I was stoked to be able to be there, I am so proud of her :) she is such a good girl. After church we went up to the Schooley's house in san diego and hung out and ate. It was another beautiful day. I think it is safe to say that EVERYONE adored Eric. He really is an amazing guy, good family, strong in the church, is very smart, and is very motivated. I knew everyone would love him :) Papa really liked him! Eric is a big hunter he has like 6 guns and a nice bow and loves hunting. One night papa showed us all his guns and his bow. Eric really enjoyed that and I learned that guns are very expensive and apparently even if guns look a like they do very different things. Eric really like everyone as well, him and my dad got along great and enjoyed watching bball together. All in all it was a very good trip!

Thats all she wrote.