Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

Thats all she wrote.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I recieved this email and thought it was just the perfect thing to post for christmas. Its unbelievable how things like this can happen. Especially thinking back to the time of Adam and Eve when all animals acted like this. I love it!! Its adorable.

If you don't already think animals are far more spiritually advanced than we humans, think again. Stuart Brown describes Norbert Rosing's striking images of a wild polar bear coming upon tethered sled dogs in the wilds of Canada 's Hudson Bay .

The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his dogs when the polar bear wandered in.

The Polar Bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs.
May you always have love to share,
Health to spare, And friends that care.

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Thats all she wrote.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sad Day

Well I am officially depressed. I have gone in my house twice since my family left and I can't stop crying each time; I end up having to walk out of the house to calm down. I get to go to that stupid house again today to get my mattress. I am going to be with a guy from my ward so hopefully I can hold it in....

I am now in my apartment, my roommate moves in soon so that will be fun! I have been sleeping on the couch which is actually really cozy. I got my fake little chrismas tree up and lit, no ornaments though.... I packed my ornaments in the storage unit haha so I may go buy some. I do the same thing everyday wake up go to work come home and relax. Sometimes go to the gym I got off  the gym schedule so its hard going again.

 I miss my mom and dad and bay. I read her blog today and started crying at work. I remember moving from cali to utah it was horrible. I hate to say it bay but it will end up being ok. I thought I would never get over it! Look at me now :) It also just snowed yesterday and seriously I am hating every second of it. I get to wake up even earlier now and scrape snow and ice off my windshield and get into a car that has a mind of its own. Sometimes the heater works and sometimes it doesn't. Fabulous. I miss my babies too. I hear lucy and penny are sleeping with bay now they will prob forget about me soon. Well penny will she doesn't have a brain but I still love her. I can't wait to see my mommy she is coming up to Utah to finish cleaning up the house. Then I have Christmas in Cali with everyone!! I can't wait! I love you all!!

These are some funny pics I have been collecting from this Lady at work. She forwards all these crazy emails and they were my favorites!!

Thats all she wrote.