Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sad Day

Well I am officially depressed. I have gone in my house twice since my family left and I can't stop crying each time; I end up having to walk out of the house to calm down. I get to go to that stupid house again today to get my mattress. I am going to be with a guy from my ward so hopefully I can hold it in....

I am now in my apartment, my roommate moves in soon so that will be fun! I have been sleeping on the couch which is actually really cozy. I got my fake little chrismas tree up and lit, no ornaments though.... I packed my ornaments in the storage unit haha so I may go buy some. I do the same thing everyday wake up go to work come home and relax. Sometimes go to the gym I got off  the gym schedule so its hard going again.

 I miss my mom and dad and bay. I read her blog today and started crying at work. I remember moving from cali to utah it was horrible. I hate to say it bay but it will end up being ok. I thought I would never get over it! Look at me now :) It also just snowed yesterday and seriously I am hating every second of it. I get to wake up even earlier now and scrape snow and ice off my windshield and get into a car that has a mind of its own. Sometimes the heater works and sometimes it doesn't. Fabulous. I miss my babies too. I hear lucy and penny are sleeping with bay now they will prob forget about me soon. Well penny will she doesn't have a brain but I still love her. I can't wait to see my mommy she is coming up to Utah to finish cleaning up the house. Then I have Christmas in Cali with everyone!! I can't wait! I love you all!!

These are some funny pics I have been collecting from this Lady at work. She forwards all these crazy emails and they were my favorites!!

Thats all she wrote.


adamdickson said...

Oh sweetie, we love and miss you too. Why don't you pack up your stuff and we'll be right up and get you. The weather is great, lots of SoCal beach boys to keep your attention. We'll let the dogs sleep with you and we can snuggle every night. Dream come true, right. Let Me know. Your Daddy

Bailey Dickson said...

jade I miss you to just come and live with us I really love and miss you and those pictures are so funny I couldn't help but crack up I love you. the best sister in the world thats what you are. your favorite sister bay.

Jen Dickson said...

I love you baby. This is hard, but you will do alot of growing up without me around all the time : ). My heart will always have a piece missing when one of my girls is not with me. I can only hope that we will be near eachother again someday - we need to get you married to a Cali boy so you can live near us!!!! We will get you set up over Christmas!

Nancy said...

How about Chase Carlston! You met him before his mission. Way cute! Can't wait for you to visit. You'll end up enjoying being on your own, though. We miss you here! Nana

Jade Hill said...

Haha I love you guys. And Nana ya Chase is a dream boat I think he is at BYU Hawaii Right now tho. Haha dad that sounds awesome I really miss you guys its starting to get easier but still is such a bummer. I am glad you didn't kill my dogs after the whole tango incident. I love you boo boo!! Your the best sister in the world!! I am really starting to figure out life now that i don't have you guys here. I feel more responsible.. crazzy. Don't worry mom I will live by you when I get married and have my babies so I can go to the gym!! Haha