Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Can't Wait to Get My Life BAck!

Well these are the latest pictures. That is my roommate Jessica I have known her since the seventh grade and do not think I can live with her again next year! Lol! We haven't fought at all but... it's not gonna work out. So school is done as of wednesday. I have one final left it is for my anatomy lecture class. My two really smart friends have gotten a 53% and a 35% which makes me really nervous luckily he grades on a curve. My teacher told us that out of his 600 students last semester the average was 30%!!! Why does he make his tests so hard?? I still don't have a car I have gone 3 weeks with out a car. It needed a whole new engine. So to some it all up life is amazing. I can't wait to see my family and my beautiful babies lucy and penny i miss them so much. Oh and bailey apparently wants to be a lawyer and she has it all planned out. While she is working she wants my mom to watch her kids!! That freaks me out she is only 10!!

Thats all she wrote.