Sunday, August 25, 2013

Whirlwind of a Summer!

We have been busy this Summer! Since I last posted tons of things have happened! My brother in law Matt got his Mission call to Argentina! He leaves to the MTC September 11th. It is so bitter sweet. We will miss him so much. It will be so weird not seeing him all the time. We are so proud of him though. We also celebrated his 19th birthday on Pioneer day!

My sister came into town for EFY down in Provo. She had a blast and we got her for 4 days afterwards! EFY is seriously one of my favorite experiences. One of my best friends actually married a guy that was in my group one year! Bailey is seriously one of the most amazing girls I know. I am so lucky I get to have her as my little sister. Every year we grow closer and closer! I just wish we lived by eachother. She teaches me so much just from her amazing example. While she was here we went to our Aunt Sunnys and swam, we went to Seven Peaks in SLC, we hit up Chilis and got some ribs, we played Call of Duty and Halo every day and had some good movie nights. I had withdrawls when she left! Its so hard when I have to leave my family after visiting. One day we will be closer to them. The dogs adored Bay. She played with them non stop. They started blowing their coats about the time she came so she got to see first hand how much hair they shed! Yum. Chris was super cute he basically cooked for us the entire time. He made us breakfast every morning! He is a keeper!

We went boating with the Shoemakers a couple times. Which is my all time favorite activity. That will be the first toy we buy when we are done with school and finally making money! Its good to dream :). We went to the Browns annual 3rd of July party and played volleyball in their brand new pool. They have a killer slide as well. I actually go Kiersten to get in the water and try the slide!

Chris and I got the opportunity to go to the Oakley Rodeo with some of my coworkers! We went up for a BBQ beforehand with one of my FAVORITE hospice nurses I work with, Charlie. Their house was gorgeous and up in the mountains. Her husband was trying to convince us to move up to that area the entire time haha. Gorgeous but very far away from everything. The weather wasn't great the night we went up. We got poured on! The rodeo was still fun though and the firework show was awesome. I did not like the event where they lasso the baby cows and tie them up around their feet! I think I flinched every time they got one!

I went to my good friend, Callies, bachelorette party a little bit ago and Saturday we went to her open house in Eaglemountain! She looked absolutely beautiful and I couldn't be happier for both of them! They are perfect for each other. I'm excited to have another married couple to chill with :)! They bought a house in Lindon that us girls went up to after her bachelorette party! Super cute! Made me want to buy a house too. One day we will. Hopefully in about 3 years. Their backyard is amazing. Our dogs would love it.

I went shopping at babys R us for a baby shower and couldn't help but look at some super cute bedding and cribs. I am excited to decorate a baby room one day! Um the girl stuff is way cuter than the boy stuff there. I fell in love with like 5 different girl bedding sets. I get asked every day at work if I have any kids. "Nope not yet but we have 2 dogs!" Haha maybe in a couple years :D. We go through phases where we are both baby hungry. My last one was after we left Cali after seeing all my cute little cousins. It lasted like 2 months! But we are def not there yet. I gotta finish up my nursing degree. Only 2 more semesters if I get into Webers nursing program in January! Then I have 2 more semesters and I will have my Bachelors. (Getting my bachelors would be totally doable with a baby ;P) We shall see when the time comes! Chris and I already have picked out some pretty awesome baby names.

Oh our house decided to flood the weekend my sister got into town. That was fun. Our entire downstairs flooded. We live in a pretty old duplex and our neighbors downstairs and flooded a few weeks before. Stupid pipes. We had to get all new carpet in the downstairs. So at least we don't have ugly cheetah shag carpet downstairs anymore but it sucks having to pay that bill especially for a rental. But its in the contract.. We had to clean up everything, move the furniture around and try to dry out the floors. Bla. We need a new washer and dryer as well. We can only do small loads in both or they dont work very well. If anyone knows of any good ones that someone is trying to sell let us know!

I went with my friends Val and Rachel and saw my friend Kelly in the play Guys and Dolls at the Hale in Orem. She is amazing. She played Adelaide and blew everyone away as usual! She is moving to Cali to try and expand her acting career! She will get something in no time. I will miss that girl!

Last week Chris's family stayed in Park City. They have a time share their. My sister-in-law, Meli, came down from Idaho with my 2 cute little nieces! I wish we lived closer to them! We went to the outlets and I got a really cute fossil wallet and some jewelry. We had a pool day and game night one day too. I wish we were able to hang out more! We had work though bla.

We went camping last weekend as well! We went with the Millers! They had an awesome pop up trailer cabin with 2 king size beds. We went up American Fork canyon. It was our first camping experience with both dogs. They were off leash the entire time! It was awesome. They stayed by us the entire time. Kiara wandered off once exploring and we had to look for her but that was it! The first night Jaelyn made some killer beef enchiladas and we made s'mores and hung out by the campfire. The dogs didn't let us sleep much though. Next time we are bringing their kennel! They were so excited they kept walking back and forth in the trailer all night clicking their little paws against the floor. I was pretty mad that night! I "woke up" at 6 with the dogs and read for a while. They ran around me a lot of the morning chasing each other and kicking up dirt.  We made pancakes and had nutella, peanut butter and syrup to put on them! It was pretty amazing. Then we played phase 10 and cards most of the morning.  We went up to a lake up there I forget what its called. There were tons of people. We found 3 dead fish. Well Kiara did. That was yummy. The dirt was like clay sinking dirt so that was kinda lame. Our dogs were filthy afterwards and it was pretty hard to wash off them when we got home! Other than that we had a blast walkin around the lake. We head back to the site and it started raining. We locked our dogs up in the car and they fell asleep instantly. We then made sandwiches and played cards while listening to the rain. It was an awesome trip. We def need to go camping more!

Today we tried going to the Spanish Ward for the first time but the time online said 1 and I guess it really starts at 11. So we will try next week! I wanna learn spanish! I took the dogs to the dog park today and Chris went and hung out with his friend Jared. The dogs had a blast and have been knocked out since we got home. That place does wonders. Koda had been driving me insane the past few days. I think he was pretty hyper and needed some major exercise.

We started school last week. I can't believe the summer is over already. So not ready for this semester. I am going to have tons of busy work in my classes. I can't wait for the day when we are finally done with school!

This Friday I am going to Vegas for my girl Emilys bachelorette party! I seriously cannot wait! I have never been to Vegas with friends before. We are staying in the Venetian until Sunday! Sooooo excited!

I will post pics later! They are all on my phone and I cannot find my little hook up to download them.