Sunday, February 3, 2008

Great Saturday

So.. I came home for the weekend. And of course my dogs had been extremly naughty. This was their schedule for saturday

1. In the a.m. bark at every truck that passes
2. Run away to the nasty muddy creek thing behind our house and roll around in the mud
3. Jade kills us then gives us a bath
4. We hear our enemy the fed ex man running up to the porch and sprinting back to the van we unfortunately do not bite him this time but we bark until we can't the see the truck anymore
5. He left a package on the porch, we smell something inside and shred it open and decide to eat all the chocolate we can get until the family sees us
6. Mom is furious but does nothing we were safe
7. Later that night throw up the chocolate and leave five piles scattered around the house including in the hall so bailey can step in it
8. Hurry and eat it before JADE cleans it up

My dogs are idiots!!

Thats all she wrote.


Nancy said...

I haven't had such a good laugh since Todd drank the pee in the Propel bottle. Ask Papa about the fun he is having with his dogs. They tricked him big time!

Casey said...

That was really funny Jade, even though I know it wasn't funny to you at the time, it was a joy to read!

Unknown said...

Wait Wait Wait.... Jade told the cleaning part wronge. I Travis helped her clean it up, While we where cleaning up the cold, thick, choc throw-up Jade thought it would be funny to start dry-heaving knowing that id actually start and freak out..... Adam wanted us to clean it with a rag... haha :P but super-man came threw and cleaned it with the carpet cleaner.....

Heather McTaggart said...

Funny story, found your blog through my friend Julie's blog who had linked to someone in your family! It's complicated but JADE BLOG MORE! It's the McTaggart Family....would love to see more of the Jade and family! Give the fam a hug from us! Check out the pics of Lauren, Amber and my kids! WOW...TOT LOT DAYS ARE OVER! Miss you!