Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Break is Over

I can not believe christmas break is already over. My mom and bailey had their first day of school today. Luckily mine is not till tomorrow. Amazingly enough I am somewhat excited to go back to school. My classes next semester consist of: Public Speaking, Human Anatomy, English 2020 (whatever that is) and Math yet again. I am ready to prove myself my grades were not the best and I know I can do a lot better. Especially after learning so much about college last semester, I am ready to put it to the test.

I just barely finished 10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives by Dr. Laura. I recommend this book to all women no matter what age. I started a book called A Great and Terrible Beauty. I am now half way through it and hope to finish it today HAHA! Oh and as of tomorrow my boyfriend Travis Crist will be working with my father at the misubishi dealership! CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

Thats all she wrote.